This season of OFW is all about pulling back the curtains and showing off behind the scenes. What better way to celebrate this notion than by revealing what goes into OFW’s signature editorial photoshoots. It takes a village to materialize the team’s inspirations for this project and Alia Jackson has been a part of that team for the last 6 years, bringing to life the incredible visions of our theme through cosmetics.
We sat down with Alia, our incredibly talented Editorial Beauty Director and the mastermind behind the beauty of Omaha Fashion Week’s editorial campaigns, to find out what it takes to make a career out of your passions.
How old were you when you started doing hair and makeup?
When I was around 7/8 years old my mom was a Mary Kay representative. She would let me pretend to put makeup on using her empty makeup compacts. Ever since those days, I have been fascinated with makeup. I didn’t take doing hair so seriously until I attended Cosmetology school in 2013.
What or who inspired you to pursue hair and makeup?
I was around 15 years old when Michelle Phan was the very first makeup artist creating looks on YouTube. I would be fascinated watching her create all these beautiful, unique looks. I would sit and watch her videos for hours and on my 16th birthday, my mom bought me my first-ever makeup palette and makeup brush set. After that, it was a wrap. I was immediately hooked.
Who are your current inspirations and idols?
At this point in my career, everything that has to do with makeup, color, tone, and fashion are my biggest inspiration for creating pieces of my own.
How do you stay motivated as a creative?
I stay motivated as a creative because I am constantly emerging myself in makeup artistry and hair trends. I watch makeup tutorials on all platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Netflix with the iconic UK Television show, Glow Up. And the list goes on. When people ask me what I like to do for fun, I tell them, ” I watch makeup tutorials, like all the time.”
What advice do you have for others wanting to pursue a career in the beauty industry?
In the beauty industry what sets you apart from everyone else is your work ethic, your timeliness, your professionalism and your ability to adapt in fast changing environments. Set a tone for yourself, find your line and constantly strive at perfecting it.
How long have you been working with Omaha Fashion Week?
I have been working with Omaha Fashion Week for 10 years now. I’ve been doing the season fashion week premier photos for 6 years now.
What has been your favorite season to work on?
My favorite season would definitely have to be this season coming up. I feel like it expresses the elegant and softness in the creativity as far as hair and makeup. Last season’s Tenacious show was definitely right up there with the geometrical shapes and colors.