Beat the Monday Blues: Omaha Style!
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Beat the Monday Blues: Omaha Style!

If you’re like most people, you probably have a complicated relationship with Mondays. After a weekend of late-night Netflix binges, indulging in too many desserts, and finally having time to finish that book that’s been on your bedside table for months, it’s tough to welcome Monday with open arms. And yet, the sun keeps rising, and Monday continues to arrive with relentless punctuality. But here at, we believe in the power of positivity, a good laugh, and the boundless offerings of our beloved Omaha, NE. Here are some hilarious, light-hearted, and uniquely Omaha ways to tackle the infamous Monday Blues.

  1. Monday Morning Comedy Boost

Why wait until Monday evening to start cheering up? Begin your day with a burst of laughter by tuning into local radio shows that infuse comedy into their morning programming. Nothing beats the Monday blues quite like a hearty laugh during your morning commute. And if someone catches you giggling alone in your car at 7 am, just give them a nod and a smile. After all, they could probably use a laugh too!

  1. Power Up with Omaha’s Best Breakfasts

Make Monday mornings something to look forward to by treating yourself to a delicious breakfast from one of Omaha’s best spots. The Doughnut Hole’s “Bacon-Palooza” donut, loaded with maple glaze and an absurdly generous sprinkle of bacon, might just be the sweet-savory wake-up call you need. If you’re a bagel enthusiast, head over to the Bagel Bin for their unique concoction, “The Monday Morning Monster,” an everything bagel filled with every cream cheese flavor they offer. Remember, it’s Monday, and you’re allowed a little extravagance!

  1. Make Your Commute a Tour

If you find yourself stuck in traffic during your morning commute, why not turn it into a sight-seeing tour? Take a look around and marvel at Omaha’s skyline, historic buildings, or the public art installations that dot the city. Check out the “Omaha Brick Road,” a playful art project by a local artist who transformed ordinary road bricks into mini artworks. You might get strange looks as you chuckle alone in your car, but hey, you’re beating the Monday blues, and that’s all that matters!

  1. Lunchtime Laughter Yoga

Laughter yoga, the practice of using laughter as a form of exercise, is a wonderful and fun-filled way to add some joy to your Monday. Head over to Omaha’s very own Laughter Yoga club during your lunch break for a dose of uncontrolled giggling and chuckling. And remember, even if you’re forcing the laughter at first, your body can’t tell the difference. Before you know it, the laughter becomes real, and your Monday blues are nowhere to be found.

  1. After-Work Outing at the Funny Bone Comedy Club

Nothing beats the Monday Blues like a good comedy show. Head over to the Funny Bone Comedy Club for their “Mirthful Monday” stand-up specials. The comedians on stage are likely to be a mix of seasoned pros and courageous newcomers, all guaranteed to keep you laughing. Just a heads up, if you’re in the front row, you might become part of the act. And wouldn’t that be a memorable way to end a Monday?

  1. Late-Night Happy Hour Deals

Many of Omaha’s favorite restaurants and bars offer late-night happy hour deals on Mondays, perfect for those in need of a little pick-me-up after a long day at work. Head over to “Monday Madness” at the Blackstone District, where each bar seems to compete for the most outrageous drink specials. Remember, the goal is to lift your spirits, not necessarily to consume all the spirits!

  1. Volunteer for an Instant Mood Boost

Engaging in community service isn’t just a meaningful activity; it’s also a scientifically proven mood booster. Several Omaha-based organizations, like The Big Garden and Heartland Hope Mission, always welcome volunteers. It’s tough to feel blue when you’re planting vegetables in a community garden or helping sort food donations. Plus, you’ll have hilarious stories to tell about the massive zucchini you harvested or the can of expired beans you found dating back to 1998.

  1. End the Day with a Funny Movie or Book

Finally, end your Monday with a funny movie or book that guarantees laughter. Consider Omaha-born filmmaker Alexander Payne’s quirky and satirical movies, or take a literary route with Omaha native Rainbow Rowell’s hilariously relatable novels.

With these strategies in hand, we hope you’re armed and ready to tackle those pesky Monday blues. Remember, Monday is just another day, and with a bit of laughter and a sprinkle of Omaha’s local charm, it can be a day filled with joy, resilience, and maybe even a little bit of mischief. After all, as the old saying goes, “A laugh a day keeps the Monday blues away.” Happy Monday, Omaha!

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