Disconnect to Reconnect: Why Banning Devices at the Dinner Table Can Improve Family Communication
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Disconnect to Reconnect: Why Banning Devices at the Dinner Table Can Improve Family Communication

In the heartland of America, we value our family time above all else. For many of us, that means gathering around the dinner table to enjoy a home-cooked meal and share stories from our day. However, in recent years, technology has crept into our family time and changed the way we communicate.

Gone are the days when we would sit down at the dinner table and have meaningful conversations with our loved ones. Now, it’s more common to see everyone staring down at their phones, completely disconnected from one another.

The impact of this technology-driven breakdown in communication is evident in the way families interact with each other. Children are growing up with limited face-to-face communication skills, and parents are finding it harder to connect with their kids. Moreover, studies have shown that people who use smartphones during meals tend to consume more calories and have poorer dietary habits.


It’s time to put down our devices and reconnect with our Midwestern values. The dinner table is a place for us to come together, share our experiences, and strengthen our family bonds. By doing so, we can create a more meaningful and connected family experience that will last a lifetime.

Setting rules around phone use during mealtime is a good start, but it may be even better to implement a complete ban on devices when the family is together. We can create a space where everyone can fully engage with each other and enjoy the time they have together.

We can make a family pact that smartphones are only allowed in specific circumstances, such as emergencies, work calls, or school-related activities. By banning devices during family activities, such as game nights or movie nights, we can create cherished memories and strengthen our family connections.

When we put down our devices and focus on the present moment, we can have deeper conversations, express our emotions, and share experiences. This can lead to a stronger sense of connection and understanding among family members, something that is particularly important to us Midwesterners.

It may be challenging to establish this new norm, but with patience, consistency, and clear communication, we can prioritize quality time with our loved ones over technology. Let’s take back our family time and enjoy the benefits of real, in-person communication.

As we navigate the digital age, it’s important to recognize the role technology plays in our lives and how it can affect our social interactions. By setting boundaries around device use and creating opportunities for personal communication, we can ensure that our Midwestern values of family, community, and connection remain strong.

We can also take inspiration from our Midwestern roots, where neighbors help neighbors and we work together to build a better community. By prioritizing personal communication and face-to-face interactions, we can strengthen our family connections and build a more connected and resilient community.

In conclusion, technology has brought many benefits to our lives, but it has also brought some unwanted changes, particularly at the dinner table. It’s time to put down our devices and reconnect with our Midwestern values of family, community, and connection. By doing so, we can create a more meaningful and connected family experience that will last a lifetime.

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